Write on one of the titles below:
Category A (13 – 17 years old)
Kategori A (13-17 tahun)
Choose one of the following titles:
Pilih salah satu daripada tajuk-tajuk berikut:
What being a responsible Malaysian citizen means to me
Pandangan saya berkenaan ertinya menjadi rakyat Malaysia yang bertanggungjawab.
How can Malaysian schools promote responsible citizenship?
Bagaimanakah caranya sekolah-sekolah di Malaysia boleh menggalakkan kerakyatan bertanggungjawab?
Category B (18 – 25 years old)
Kategori B (18-25 tahun)
Choose one of the following titles:
Pilih salah satu daripada tajuk-tajuk berikut:
How has the Internet changed or affected citizen engagement and empowerment in Malaysia?
Bagaimanakah Internet telah mengubah atau memberi kesan kepada keterlibatan dan pemerkasaan rakyat di Malaysia?
It has been said that the era of Government-Knows-Best is over. What do you think are the implications of this?
Telah dikatakan bahawa era “Government-Knows-Best” telah berlalu. Apakah implikasi-implikasi pernyataan tersebut?
Category A (13 – 17 years old)
Kategori A (13-17 tahun)
Write an open letter addressed to your friends and schoolmates on the role they can play as young citizens and what they can do – now – to shape a better future for Malaysia.
Tuliskan sepucuk surat terbuka yang ditujukan kepada kawan-kawan dan rakan-rakan sekolah berkenaan peranan yang boleh mereka mainkan sebagai warganegara muda dan apa yang boleh mereka lakukan – sekarang – bagi membentuk masa hadapan Malaysia yang lebih cemerlang.
Category B (18 – 25 years old)
Kategori B (18-25 tahun)
If you were given the funding and resources to set up a new youth-based civil society action group to influence public policy on a pressing issue affecting youth, what organisation would you set up and which cause would it champion?
Jika anda diberikan dana dan sumber-sumber untuk menubuhkan sebuah kumpulan bertindak belia masyarakat sivil yang baru, bagi mempengaruhi dasar awam yang menyentuh isu-isu mendesak berkaitan belia, organisasi apakah akan anda tubuhkan dan tujuan apakah yang akan ia perjuangkan?
This competition is open to Malaysian citizens only.
The competition is open to all Malaysians between the ages 13 to 25 as of 31 December 2012.
Malaysian students studying abroad may enter but their institutions are not eligible for any of the institution prizes.
Submissions will be accepted until 31 October 2012.
Each participant may submit more than one entry, but each winning Participant will be entitled to only one (1) prize. The prize will be awarded to a winning Participant for the Participant’s highest-scoring Competition Entry.
Submissions can be made online or via e-mail, in English and Bahasa Malaysia.
Each participant must fill in a submission form to accompany each entry on the Essay website.
Essays are accepted in the .doc, .docx or .pdf format.
All submissions will be blind reviewed. References to specific individuals, firms, or schools, which might reveal the author’s identity, are discouraged. It is not allowed to indicate your name anywhere on your work.Quotes and references must be clearly marked throughout the essay and properly cited.
All submissions must be original. No previously published material will be accepted. Any form of plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification. Please note that all essays will be screened with specialised software to verify plagiarism.
The contest is open to all young Malaysians, students and non-students, aged between 13 and 25, as of 31 October 2012.
Employees of Perdana Leadership Foundation (“PLF”), MAYBANK FOUNDATION and MPH and their immediate families are not eligible to participate in the competition.
Please note: Malaysian students studying abroad may enter the competition but their institutions are not eligible for any of the institution prizes. Non-student participants will also not be eligible for any of the institution prizes.